QH: Blank Slates, ahhh...

There is nothing quite like the feeling of having an idea for a project and making some canvas space for it. Blocking off some focused time (preferably 4-6 hours to get started: depending on the project) and setting up the necessary area (folders, development sites, desk space, etc.).

It's good for the soul (well, souls like mine) to pause all current running threads and start something entirely new.

This particular idea was came to me this morning. I got out of bed, grabbed my notepad and scratched together ideas for 30 minutes or so. Now I need to take them a step further: so I've carved out time & space to do so.

How refreshing.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 12:00 AM

tagged: ideas, projects, starting

series: Quick Hits (38 other posts in this series)